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Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Happy Birthday (Not -so) Ol' Man.

The first man I loved and still do.

My dad,
He is as stiff as a tree.
Can barely touch his toes.


He’s a tree for greater reasons.

A tree,
Is not a thief of glory.
But to it glory is bestowed.
It grows to its height,
Feeds not off others.
It’s leaves reside in the light of day.

Even waters of the sky;
And winds of the sea,
Cannot shake thee.
In it strength is found.

Though lifted up,
Higher above all.
It’s branches does not boast.
Its roots,
rooted deep in the soil of the earth.

Scorching sun ever present,
Burns mercilessly upon all.
But those who find refuge in its shadows,
Remain at peace.

Many come to your shelter,
Some can call you home.

I am but a seed.
What good is a seed without nurture?
It remains unnoticed.
Lies uncovered by the world.
Its absence carries no meaning.

I am joyful.
For I know my father.
I am only as great as he is.

With that in mind,
My future is secured.

Happy Birthday Daddy.


iansalang said...


Unknown said...

Very well written.. Happy Birthday to your dad too.. Cheers!