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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Farewell for now.

It took less than a year.

From friends.

You became more.

We got ready to board planes together.
Everything seemed so new.

No matter how new it felt,

I knew I had you guys with me.

We shopped till we dropped.

I always had you girls by my side.

Occasionally, one or two of you guys too.

We had meals together.


Even when the food wasn't great,

you guys were.

We could be goofy.

No one judged.

Though that room is pretty small.
It holds many memories.

All the funny things that went on in there. *HEH*

We talked.

Took a million pictures.


all great things do come to an end. (for now)

I didn't realize it till I had to finally say it.

please know that I...

Thank you for always having been around.
Thank you for making me enjoy college so much more.
Thank you for watching out for me in your own ways.
Thank you for never letting me cry alone.
Nor leaving me to be happy by myself.
Thank you for giving me advice when you knew I needed it.

Most of all.

Thank you for being my friends.
Amazing ones indeed.

Till we meet again.

To the ones that matters,
I love you guys.

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