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Monday, 16 January 2012

Darkest Hour.

Daily Announcement: I shall be flying to Penang tomorrow.


So i decided to make a little joke about it through my drawing.


AIRASIA is a great airline

Today, I had quite a lot of fun.

I played Time Crisis in the arcade.

To be exact, i played...


Not time crisis... peace.

After that I went to watch this movie, 

I honestly learnt quite a lot from that movie.

There was a scene where this guy and his girlfriend were running from the alien-ish-
lightning-buzzing-human-vaporating-thing. They ran into a narrow alley. He was in front so he shut the door. Leaving his poor (very beautiful) girlfriend outside...


When they asked him why he did that,

He said:

Though everyone wants to think of themselves as courageous,
there are those moments (his-leaving-his-girlfriend-to-die moment),
where people react without thinking.

It is those moments you realize what kind of person you are.

He was selfish and a coward.

BOO!! (reader[s] please boo along with me)

Now let me give you a little spoiler,

My own version of the movie.

They run.

They plan.

They shoot.

So, even after a whole day of fun.
I remembered to learn something.

I learned that I must KNOW who I am as a person.

Not just THINK i know.

It takes the greatest person to be courageous in the darkest hour.

Before i leave, here's a little ENLIGHTENMENT.

I went to get my photo taken for my medical check up. 

Turned out decent i guess.

Spot the difference.


Till next time (tomorrow),

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