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Friday, 21 June 2013


Being home is a beautiful thing.
What's beautiful about it?
The people. 
We all bank so much on it,
I know I do.
Often, I get whatever I've invested in.
Most of the time, I get more.
(Especially the crazy people in the pictures above)
Because the ones I've helped once,
End up being the ones that help me.
Again and again.
Without fail. 
However, being human.
I can be selfish at times.
And I get upset when I don't get what I want in return.
Then I realise,
that the whole point of friendship.
Isn't one of economic understanding.
There isn't really a theory to it.
It's unconditional.
I'm going to work at this.
And hopefully be able to give unconditionally,
Without expecting anything in return. 
(Though it kills me at times)
I will keep helping you.
Whether you know it or not.
Because I promised myself. 
That I will be your friend.
And being unconditional...

Is kinda what friends do.

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