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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

An adolescent's trials

I've seen it fail too many times.
I've been there.
So I have to make decisions differently.
Failure is not the reason I build my walls.
My desire for success is.

 And for those whom are caught in such a time,
may you not build walls to keep others out,
But ones that will keep you from caving in.

Because one day,
the disappointment and pain will fade.
very slowly but surely.
You will look back at your decisions,
and reap what comes after.

I myself am awaiting a harvest.
A time where I can be glad of my present/previous decisions.
Whether I had to make them in joy or pain.
As long as they were the 'right' decisions.

"In Your freedom, I will live"

Friday, 24 May 2013


The biggest difference is that I now have slightly more hair.
I was bald till 3...

Life was tough back then.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Just a dream

To all those out there who have a dream.


I dreamt of being a fashion icon...

Look at me now.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


5 things that fascinated me today.

1. Malaysia's Prime Minister has the most fake followers on twitter.

3. The total weight of all the ants on the earth is about the same as the total weight of   humans.

4. Elephants can die of a broken heart.

5. Oysters can change gender back and forth.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Help me make you a STAR!


slightly exaggerated**

1. My worst habit is...
2. My favourite swear word is...

(You can go crazy with your answers, the crazier the better)

Please send you recordings to

For those of you that have my number,
you can just whatsapp your recording to me.

I will be sure to send you a copy of our little film upon completion.

I've finally fixed the video thingy,
you should be able to view me on your phones now.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

VLOG : Near Death Experience

My first near death experience.

Thank God my other best friend (Fish) didn't have to go through this,
that girl would've gone craaazeeehhhh.
Yap is probably the most calm one out of us three,
Fish and I are drama queens.

But anyways, 
I left out a really important part.
When we went back the next day,
and checked the door we came out from...


That door is usually locked,
so I have no clue how it'd open for us.

I knew it wasn't my time to die.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Dear Mummy,

When people say that there is that one person that will never let me down,
They’re talking bout you.

You’re the one that has always been there for me, 
even before I was aware of myself.
 The strong woman that shaped me into who I am today, 
and 20 years later,
 I still look at you in amazement as I did when I was little.

However, through time.
You have evolved into more than just a guardian, 
I am proud to say you are my best friend. 
You listen to my problems and occasionally gossip along with me.

We spend hours on the phone, 
with me pouring out my world to you. 
The comfort I have with you is truly amazing 
and it reminds me how blessed I am to be able to have that relationship with you.

We chat about our hair, how we both have too little. 
We chat about what kind of specs would fit us. 
I send you pictures of my food and you return the favor.
 I can cry to you and you take all my pain away.

You give me advice that is often different from others, 
but exactly what I need. 
Plus you give me the support I need to actually execute those decisions.

I really don’t know what I'd do without you. 
You’re so generous with me, 
too generous. 
You give me everything I need and more.

 I look forward to seeing you everyday, 
even just on facetime.
Because no matter how bad a day I’m having, 
your voice calms all my worries and I feel safe.

You remind me everyday that God is looking out for me 
and that He gives me strength to face everything that comes my way.
 I can say with all the confidence in the world that I truly believe so,

…. Because He gave me you.

Happy Mother’s Day Mummy.

I would like to remind you that you are STILL the best mother in the world. 
Hasn’t changed since I wrote you your first mother’s day card and never will.

I miss you, you gorgeous-forever-young-looking-lady.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


I nearly died today.

Together with my best friend.

I'm too traumatized to explain.

I'll be back.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Chasing pavements.

When you watch the car drive off,
and you stand by the pavement waving goodbye.
Often there's sadness,
But only a flicker.
You know they will return,
you just await the right time.
So despite the goodbye,
you still smile,
standing by the pavement.

But what if they might not return?
What if they don't want to.
And though you long for them to come back,
you just shouldn't.
For the longer you wait,
the colder it gets.
The winds slowly break your stance,
as you can no longer keep a smile,
crouching by the pavement.

So you pick yourself up,
turn back to the front door.
 Awaiting what is to come.
And hope that
The next visitor that comes,
won't ever have to leave.
And you'll never have to say goodbye,
standing by that same old pavement.

But maybe,
just maybe.

The ones that left.
will come back.
So I can welcome them back,

by that pavement.

Sunday, 5 May 2013


I want.

I really really want.

There are many things that I want.

But I wonder whether what I want is necessary the best.


Malaysians will wait for what we want.

But regardless,

We've already won.

For ultimately though we want certain results,

what we need is change.


Change has already begin.

Friday, 3 May 2013

My 2 cents.


First of all.
I am a failed blogger. Can't believe I went missing for nearly half a year. I've just been so busy with uni, ( I need to make a uni blog), so this one got neglected.

*Nobody grades me according to this blog.*

So why the sudden return?

Well, because Malaysia's elections is tomorrow and after reading so many articles /blogs /status updates /tweets about it. I thought, why not add one more.

This is my country. Yes, a country. It is not a monopoly game where the more money you have, the more land you can buy, the more rights you will have. Its a country. The best part about being part of a country is that you actually belong there.

As for the battle of the rights...

All this chaos about my rights, your rights, their rights... 
It comes from the idea that 'because you have done something, now that particular something BELONGS to you. It now OWES you something.' 
What has anyone of us done to deserve this land?

*Dont you dare say you grew this land by planting trees and looking after its habitat. Animals can do that, its called a safari. Despite all their effort, they dont have the right to vote. The fact is even without us, this land would still be fine. Perhaps better off considering the amount of pollution we are contributing.*

Be it Malays, Chinese, Indians, Bumis, Non-bumis, Avatars (list any other races of your choice)...

We don't own this land, we are just blessed to have inherited it. 

If you believe in a God(s), whatever your religion, you know that all things belong to Him. So instead of having a mindset of what BELONGS to you, why don't we all just be thankful for what we have been GIVEN. 

As for our leaders,
corruption isn't something you can hide. Nobody is perfect, and as a leader, mistakes are often magnified and easily exaggerated. This still does not give a valid reason as to why it is okay to continue corruption.

For all the fame, fortune, power...

Is it really worth it?

For one day when it all ends, how much money can you take to the grave? How much power can you exert when you are no longer here? How much land can you own when you no longer remain in the land?

The only thing that will mark your presence here will be the name you left behind. At this rate, not a very good one. So why not do yourself a favor and please just do the right thing. As a 19 year old citizen, I care about my country. As leaders of the country, I just urge for you to do the same. 

It does not matter which party wins, or what race will be in power. I just want the right person to lead Malaysia. *Could even be an avatar for all I care* 

I want people to see Malaysia not as a corrupted land. I want my generation to be proud of their own country. 

For if Malaysians themselves see no hope for Malaysia, who will?

May the best RIGHT man win.