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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Thigh gap

If you are so obsessed with getting a thigh gap,

Just stand wider.


Thigh gap.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Red skittles

I have never been married,
but I know,
that marriages are suppose to last.

Why make vows that mean nothing?

I'd give you all my red skittles,
Even though I only like the red ones.
Which I really really do.
I'd let you use the shower first,
even if we had limited hot water.
I think I wouldn't mind washing your dishes for you.
even your laundry.

I promise to act excited every time you 'try' to surprise me,
and I promise to compliment you,
even when you don't really deserve it.
I promise to not make a big deal when you forget important dates,
as long you promise to not forget them. (hahaha)

I would stay up late at night with you,
and talk about our dreams.
And I'd let you know my darkest fears,
if you'll let me help you conquer yours.
I promise that if you let me be a part of your life,
you will become a part of my world.

I'd say a prayer for you each day,
probably a few more on days you're sick.
And through everything that we will go through,
I'd thank God for you,
for me,
for us.

Because ultimately,
There will come a time.
When beauty and emotions fade.
It will be the dilly-dally in life that'll remind us of who we love.
And why we love.

In a day and age where love dwindles and fast as it kindles,
I want to be reminded of why we chose to say "I do" to each other.
And not anybody else.
Because one day,
when I find you.
I want you to be reminded everyday,
how special you are.
And will be.
That a marriage exists between two individuals,
no more no less.

I want to say 'I love you',
a love worth all the red skittles in the world.

Marriage is a covenant between two individuals,
don't screw it up.
It's about time the world got their head straight about what marriage means.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Day 53 : Stutter perfection

Some stumble,
Some stutter.
Though they seem compose,
theirs heart are in a flutter.
They mutter shy 'hellos',
in hope for a reply.
Even if you look their way,
They'd never look you in the eye.
Their voices crack when you come too close,
they start to constantly giggle.
And this can apply to most of the lads,
The young, the old, the middle.
Though their charms might fail at first,
please do not despair.
For lads like these are genuine at heart,
their heads aren't filled with air.
With patience,
with love.
Help their confidence grow.
And I promise you will find.
That same man,
who used to stutter and fall
Will grow to be divine.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Day 50 : Remembrance

Its been three days.

For some,

its been a year.

How do you go on when you lose someone?

A mother. A brother. A friend. A loved one.

You sit there.


You question why things happen the way they do.




You cry some more.

But there will come a time,

when you allow peace to return to you.

And realise.

That while this life we have may seem unfair at times,

it is also filled with compassion.

With kindness, with grace.

With love.

How do I know that?

Because at one point of time,

Life decided to bless us with you.

We've never deserved your kindness.

Your love.


With that said.

Your blessings upon our lives,

was all 'unfair'

Life is unfair.

To the victims of the Lao airline crash,

I might not personally know you.

But I know you've been dear friends to my friends.

I pray for grace to be upon your families,

and I thank you for being a part of the many lives you have touched.

To aunty Gloria,

Its been a year that you have left.


I still cant believe that you're not here anymore.

My greatest regret was that I was so far away.

But though you may be distant from us physically,

I know you never left.

Your presence,

Your guidance is what keeps your family going.

Your legacy is what we hold on to.

Its been a pleasure journeying with you,

though its a shame your journey ended sooner.

But thank you.

Thank you for showing the world how a little woman,

of barely five feet,

could be the pillar of strength for many.

In loving memories of Aunty Gloria.

and the victims of Lao Airline crash.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Day 46 : wishes

Maybe you'll hold the door.
Or even push my chair in.
Get dressed up.
A charming one.
Not cheesy.
Make conversation.
Be really genuine.
Not overwhelmingly so.

You know what.

Does it really matter?

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Day 45 : A good laugh

To be funny,
you must first learn to laugh at yourself.

I'm laughing very hard. 

Monday, 14 October 2013

Day 44 : Wise words

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has heard this.

"I've eaten more salt in my lifetime than you have eaten rice."

Considering the amount of rice I eat,
I highly doubt that the statement is true.


Never ignore the advice given to you by the elderly.

Wise words.

Words they share with you,
May not seem to make sense now.
But as you get older,
You'll really appreciate it.

Just like how when I was younger,
I never understood why my mum told me not to wear my pants so high.
I thought she wasn't cool.

Looking back at my old photos...

I realised that I was the one that REALLY wasn't cool.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Day 43 : tribute

I wonder if you ever lost someone.

Watching this was truly heartbreaking.

I have always loved glee,
Never really followed.

But I've always enjoyed it.

This is probably the most emotional song I've heard in awhile.
She didn't have to belt out any crazily high pitch notes.

Her emotions echoed through it all.

Cory Monteith.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Day 42 : bad?


Nothing is entirely bad.

Clubbing definitely has a reputation for being bad,
But honestly,

It depends on the individual.

How we choose to carry ourselves should not be solely dependent on our environment but our values.

Have fun.

But know your boundaries.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Day 41 : Unbreakable

I would never say this to you face to face.

Just because, we ain't the mushy mushy type...


Yappie and Fishy.

Thank you for making this two years the best years of my life.
I would've never expected to make friends like you.

I know I never tell you both this,

But despite your unglamorous-ness,
Your constant farting and burping,
Your 'louder than a jet plane' voice,
Your OCD,
Your love for neon coloured clothes,
Your super weird funny faces,

you two are the most insanely beautiful people I could ever meet.

Not only because of the way you look,

But because you don't let your physical beauty outshine what you have on the inside.


Please read this.

Screenshot it.
Print it.
Stick it on your fridge.

Because I'm not going to say this again anytime soon.

I love you two.

You've made me feel special even when I didn't.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Day 40 : Finale

This is it! 

I'm so glad to have made it through this 40 days.

Everything I have learnt and put into my blog,
Was inspired by you.


All the readers.

The people that encouraged me.
Even just liking the blog on Facebook.

Thank you.

Your encouragement has been the reason I could keep this going.

Thank you for journeying with me.

Thank you for learning with me.

Thank you for giving me a voice.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Day 39 : Feelings

You think what you do has no effect.
Most of the time,
I agree.
But occasionally,
that look...
that stare...
those harsh few words.
It hurts.
But despite the pain,
I'm not going to give you the pleasure of watching me hurt.

Because you know what,

You're not worth my time,
my effort..


You're especially not worth my pain.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Day 38 : source

When the world looks at you, 

They see your success.

They judge you by your achievements.

You worth is determined by how 'bright' that light of yours can shine.

But the truth is,

For all those out there who have succeeded.

They know,

It is not the brightness of the light that is important..

It's the source.

You are just a vessel.

If your source,
Your goals,
Is to be successful just for the sake of it...
To shine as bright as you can to show off...

How long can a source like that fuel you?

After all,

Light was created to give the blind sight.

But glaring light...

Is blinding. 

Monday, 7 October 2013

Day 37 : stronger

Your ability to succeed,

Is directly proportional to your desire to succeed.

Nothing worth having ever comes easy.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Day 36: faith

Don't you worry child.
Heaven has a plan for you. 

Do not let your heart be troubled.
I say to you.
There is nothing more you should guard,
Than your heart. 
Guard not your money,
Your possessions,
Or your material wealth.
But if you guard your heart,
There is no power that can shake you.

You are too blessed to be stressed.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Day 35 : uncertainty

If the decisions I make are too hard to follow through...

Do I give up?


Ask for help.

Time and time again,

After all the mind-boggling battles...

Help me.
I can only do so much.
But I know You can.

I'm going to let it be.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Day 34 : beauty



Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Day 33 : Big Question Night

Tonight was big question night.
Another amazing session.

I am going to summarize three hours into a mini blog.


Judging people is not our job.

Look at a person and see their actual value without judging them according to relativity or comparison.


They just have different roles,

It doesn't make them any greater than the other.


Shouldn't a child be allowed to live,

Even if it was only for a day.

I know I have not done the questions any justice,
But maybe one of these days.
I'll try to cover them better.

As for now,
Despite the confusion of the world...
And the evil that is ever increasing...

Words of wisdom from Vong.

"Just hang in there"

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Day 32 : Worry not

See these beautiful flowers.

They do not worry about what they have to wear.

They do not worry about how they look.

Why worry.

It doesn't help...

In fact,

It makes things worst. 

The next time you start to worry,

Give thanks instead.

You'll be surprised how things change when you change your perspective. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Day 31 : you are what you make yourself

By nature, men are very similar.

But by practice, they can be miles apart.

So the only way to be different,

Is to make a decision to be different.

To be aware of your actions.

To be different,

Is a discipline.

Thank you Confucius.

And thank you all my Chinese teachers since primary school.
Teaching me Chinese is a challenge.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Day 29 & 30 : putting everything into perspective.

In what we call the universe,
I am just a speck.

So small.

But even though, 
I am not that big.

Not that noticeable.

I am not insignificant.

Every single speck has its purpose.

After all,

That huge universe is just made of specks...

like me. 

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Day 28 : desperate

Desperation is a powerful thing.

It can be empowering and more often...


I guess I got to witness a kind of desperation.

It was a strange sight.

Something that could be taken as mockery for those watching,
but not those experiencing.

Being desperate is indeed painful.
But I rather be desperate for something, and strive.
Than to be fearful to even try.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Day 27 : past

One of those nights,
scrolling through past pictures.


To know how I got here,
is to acknowledge where I came from.
To know who I am,
is to remember who made me.

My family looks like one of those kung-fu movie posters.


Thursday, 26 September 2013

Day 26 : different

Nobody likes to be left out.

But sometimes,

You just got to learn to accept your difference.

Maybe it isn't so bad.

" Why are you trying so hard to fit in,
   When you were born to stand out."

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Day 25 : my little leap of faith

I have so much on my mind.

And for once,
I cant really put it into words.

But God,
I'm sure you already know.


I'm just going to thank you in advance.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Day 24 : Swings

Remember the swings at reservoir park.

The one in the playground surrounded by sandflies.

The swings were small tiny ones,
that would swing straight into the forest.

We use to sit on it.

Sometimes we would fight to see who could get there first.
I'm not sure if you can remember, but I always won.

We went there a lot together.

I miss those times.

When we had nothing on our shoulders.

Nothing but faith.

A beautiful sense of Freedom

Cos we knew no matter how scary the swings were,

They creaked, 
Had no seatbelt,
And would swing directly into the direction of a huge dark pit...

We knew that we wouldn't fall. 

I had you and you had me.

I want you to know.

That even though your exams seem impossible.
Your results seem like that dark pit.
And you find stress slowly becoming a daily routine..

Just like those tiny tadpoles we saw by the park,
You'll survive.

Because the little girl I used to push on the swing,
She was afraid of nothing.
Despite the creaking of the swings.
She just wanted to go higher.

And even though that little girl isn't so little anymore,
I know deep down she's still the same.


Don't be scared of what is to come.
They look really scary,
But they're not.
I've sat on them before.

Cheche will be behind you all the way.
I stood behind you since young,
Pushing you on the swings.
And I promise you,
This time round...
I'll make sure you soar.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Day 23 : insecurities

They tell you you're chubby,
They say your size determines your worth.
So you stop eating,
All the food here on earth.
You spends lots of money,
Chasing all the trends.
But they don't seem to notice.
So the cycle never ends.

You look in the mirror,
And it's not beauty that you see.
The media has influenced you,
To see flaws that shouldn't be.
Instead of a pair of eyes,
that see perfectly;
You wonder why you eyelids,
Aren't perfect symmetry.

You scroll through your news feed,
You think mockery is so cool.
"He's fat! She's ugly"
My dear,
You really are the fool.
If you think that judging others,
Is something you can do.
Please be aware,
There are millions prettier (handsomer) than you.

Take your insecurities,
And learn to wear it with pride.
Have a different take on life,
And realise there's nothing really to hide.
Your imperfections may be prominent,
But you're still lucky to be alive.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Day 22 : have you ever laughed till you cried.

Being funny really is a gift.

I stumbled upon a YouTube comedian that has managed to take up about 22 hours of my day.


He is THAT funny.

David So is an American-born-Korean comedian / singer.

His use of language is slightly "colourful", but if you can look past that he really does have some words of wisdom.
From issues of racism, to diets and his take on being fat...

"Do you know what's great about being fat?"

Check him out on YouTube.



Saturday, 21 September 2013

Day 21 : Hidden talent

I am so sorry.

Didn't have time to blog today.

But hey!

Check out the new talent I found.

My beloved brother's self portrait.


Everyone has talent.

Just needa dig deep....

Or get stuck on a train for an hour.
You'll discover something.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Day 20 : I am

I am more than a name.

I am not just my past.

I am beyond just fate.

I am me.

I am.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Day 18 : friends


Funny how this round thing succeeds in bringing people together.

Friends. Family. Even strangers.


I really wanna honour the friends I have in my life,
and to thank them for having me be a part of theirs.

May our friendship be like mooncake.

A hard solid structure filled with all the love and gooey-ness inside.

May our friendship, just like mooncake, be something to celebrate.

Happy mooncake festival in advance.


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Day 17 : voices

You know you should....
You must....
I think you can do this...
It would be good if you...
Maybe you should...


There are many voices.

Good. Bad. 

But sometimes you need to stop the voices.
So you can hear the voice within.

Listen to what is within.
For what is within will flow out of you.
It is not from the outside-in.
But everything first begins on the inside.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Day 16 : Tanahair ku ( my land, my home)

I never thought my country's flag was aesthetically great.

The colours don't even match.

But now.
I see beyond the weird mix of colours.

That flag is the most beautiful flag of all the flags in the world,
Simply because that flag is me.

I too,
may not be the best colours put together...
I have my tempers.
My unglamorous moments.
My flaws.

But I am me.

I was made this way.
And I was born to a beautiful country.
A country with a flag of weird colours.

I am Malaysian.
The weird colours and all.

Happy Malaysia Day.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Day 15 : To a special part of me

I remember the day before you left to New Zealand when we were 12.

I had gone over to your place,
We were getting our nails done.

By you.

I never liked getting my nails painted.
But for you, I gladly obliged

It was a turquoise blue.

After you were done,
I remember promising myself that I'd never wash it off.


At 12, 
Goodbyes were something a little difficult to understand.
I had already spent my entire life with you.
You were a part of my daily routine.

You were a part of me.

But I knew,
Somewhere deep down.

That no matter how far you were going...

I'd never leave you.

8 years down the road,
You're turning 20.

We have been through a lot.

We have been apart a lot too.

But I'd like you to know,

I'll paint my nails turquoise for you.
And I'll make the same promise.

I'll never leave you.

Happy Birthday buddy.
I loved you since the day I took your colour pencils.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Friday, 13 September 2013

Day 13 : Friday the 13th

Today, I watched a classic Disney cartoon.

The Sword in Stone ( 1963)

I realised what I love so much about old school cartoon.

It's not just the surreal-ness of it all.

One moment, you can be in the Milky Way..

The next,
A field of endless daisies.

Everything is possible in a cartoon. 

But what I love is how the good guy always wins.

Despite whatever circumstance they are in, their faith is amazing.
They know that despite everything, as long they remain righteous...

Things will work out.

Amazing how I got that from a children's cartoon.

Well, that's why child-like faith is so precious.