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Friday, 11 October 2013

Day 41 : Unbreakable

I would never say this to you face to face.

Just because, we ain't the mushy mushy type...


Yappie and Fishy.

Thank you for making this two years the best years of my life.
I would've never expected to make friends like you.

I know I never tell you both this,

But despite your unglamorous-ness,
Your constant farting and burping,
Your 'louder than a jet plane' voice,
Your OCD,
Your love for neon coloured clothes,
Your super weird funny faces,

you two are the most insanely beautiful people I could ever meet.

Not only because of the way you look,

But because you don't let your physical beauty outshine what you have on the inside.


Please read this.

Screenshot it.
Print it.
Stick it on your fridge.

Because I'm not going to say this again anytime soon.

I love you two.

You've made me feel special even when I didn't.

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