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Thursday, 2 August 2012

A real gentleman.

It was one of those days.
I was so busy that all I ate was half a broccoli,
and this was 3.30 in the afternoon.

And this contributed further to my pain.

I didn't even bother colouring it properly. 
Basically I was already late for the train to get to work 
cause I had group discussions.
Plus my myki (transport card) had no money.


Had to top it up which took like a bezillion years.
Then low and behold...
the train got

By the time I got to work, I was flustered and a little teary.
But I had no time to be sad.

So I got in the pool and greeted my little kids.
Then one of the little boys looked at me and said...

So I just told him I had a rough day.
And being the 6 year old he is,
he gave me the one thing I needed.

"Let me give you a hug'
he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joyce, this post made me smile. Thank-you :)