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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

A National Hero.

It ain't that bad.

It's actually pretty damn fantastic!

*you try getting a silver medals in the olympics...
or just try hitting the shuttlecock across the net..

The Olympic finals of Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan definitely was an
unforgettable one.
He may not have gotten a gold. 

But for that 90 minutes...
Malaysians felt the pride of being a Malaysian,
regardless where they were in the world. (In my case, Melbourne)

The atmosphere changed when LCW stepped onto the court.
He brought a nation together.
He brought a nation to their feet.

So Mr. Lee Chong Wei,
if you ever read this.
I'd just like to say thank you.
For in 90 minutes, you made 1Malaysia a true reality.

and don't you dare apologize for it. 

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