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Monday, 27 August 2012

BOEY. learn this name.

I am a slacker.

So sometimes, the posts I came up with in my head..

doesn't end up here.


in my absence.

Check out the coolest blog ever.

This blog has been my inspiration.

"Did I mention he is my uncle?"

Friday, 24 August 2012

How do you respond?

We all have these experiences.

"When someone says something so lame."

I love my mum.

She is amazing and occasionally,
she is actually

but then...

We Are Fabulous (sendirian berhad)

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

SORE EYE... throat, skin, etc.

Please clear bladder before watching.
I will not be responsible for any self-wetting.

This sore eye video has gone viral.
So I thought why not give it a try.
Before watching our video.

Then you'll understand why we are sort of...


I'll show you next time.


Sunday, 19 August 2012



I'm sorry I haven't been blogging.
Preparing for the arrival of my parents.

I promise you there is something great installed.
Just keep watching..
I mean reading.

I just wanted to wish all my Muslim friends a


"hurry hurry. eat some curry"

Saturday, 11 August 2012


It was one of those days when I realized I had ran out
of toilet paper.
I was down to my last roll,
and I needed more.

It's pretty obvious why.
So I shall not go into that in detail.

I went to Big W (general appliances store) straight after class.
I must have looked like a backpacker.

I carried
1. my bag laptop
3. my *ahem* shopping
4. and all the groceries and the TOILET PAPER


I was so happy that I got everything done fast,
that I felt like the stuff I had to carry felt lighter.

A lot lighter.

When I got home,
I realized...


After 5 minutes of self-panicky-arguments,
I ran out of the house in my sleeping pants straight back to Big W.

Long story short,
it's back where it belongs.

In perfect condition,
dent and all.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

A National Hero.

It ain't that bad.

It's actually pretty damn fantastic!

*you try getting a silver medals in the olympics...
or just try hitting the shuttlecock across the net..

The Olympic finals of Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan definitely was an
unforgettable one.
He may not have gotten a gold. 

But for that 90 minutes...
Malaysians felt the pride of being a Malaysian,
regardless where they were in the world. (In my case, Melbourne)

The atmosphere changed when LCW stepped onto the court.
He brought a nation together.
He brought a nation to their feet.

So Mr. Lee Chong Wei,
if you ever read this.
I'd just like to say thank you.
For in 90 minutes, you made 1Malaysia a true reality.

and don't you dare apologize for it. 

Sunday, 5 August 2012


I went for the Planetshaker's Beautiful Woman conference. 

It was spectacular and amazing!

Plus I had great company.

I'm sorry this post is so short.
Lee Chong Wei is playing badminton.


So in the mean time..
hope this entertains you.

Try it.
It calms the nerves. 

Thursday, 2 August 2012

A real gentleman.

It was one of those days.
I was so busy that all I ate was half a broccoli,
and this was 3.30 in the afternoon.

And this contributed further to my pain.

I didn't even bother colouring it properly. 
Basically I was already late for the train to get to work 
cause I had group discussions.
Plus my myki (transport card) had no money.


Had to top it up which took like a bezillion years.
Then low and behold...
the train got

By the time I got to work, I was flustered and a little teary.
But I had no time to be sad.

So I got in the pool and greeted my little kids.
Then one of the little boys looked at me and said...

So I just told him I had a rough day.
And being the 6 year old he is,
he gave me the one thing I needed.

"Let me give you a hug'
he said.