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Saturday, 22 December 2012

End of the world.

Pitch darkness,
we're meant to see.
The end of it all,
for you and me.

They whispered,
they shouted.
The snickered,
they pouted.

Chaotic, and scary,
in fear they declared.
Gone is electric,
Oh such a despair.

Goodbye to their love ones,
daughters and sons.
Goodbye little children,
whose life haven't begun.

But wait just a minute,
just give me some time.
The world can't just end yet,
especially not mine.

So look at your calendars,
and look at your phones.
The 21st has past,
and I'm still at home.

Typing this poem,
so you can all see.
is just a movie.

Thursday, 20 December 2012


20. 12 . 2012

Considering the world is going to 'end' tomorrow,
my sister and I decided to make our last meal.


Wonderful white and pink colored balls of chewy flour.

It's not that I really think the world is going to end,
but if it really did...
I wonder if I lived my life to the fullest.

Sounds so cliche.
But really.

I'm 19.
Has 19 years been enough?

I know it won't really take a miracle to see the sun set tomorrow..
but I know that if and when it does,
I'll have another day.

Another day to be a miracle for someone else.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Bundle of blunders.

I lie here quietly in the shadows of my room. As rays of sunlight breaks the still darkness of the atmosphere. The winds of the early morning breeze causes my pale curtains to flutter, and more light gushes in. 

And I wait. 
Wait for the first thought of the day to creep into my head..

I like to write. 

Always have. There are many mediums which one can pour emotions into, be it music, dance, exercising, (drugs,smoking, drinking; God bless your soul ) and even food. I put mine in words.

I want to give thanks. Strangely enough, give thanks for every single plunder I have fell into. You see,
giving thanks for the good things is something that anyone could do. It aint original.

Why give a man what he already has?
Why do unto yourself what you can already do?
Therefore, give sight to a man blind at birth;
And do unto yourself what you are truly worth.

                                               ~Joyce Khoo (inspirations before breakfast)          

My life is pretty easy. Fair share of pain and grief. But relatively easy to many. 
Yet, it is the little things that can drive me insane. A whole culture and obsession of trying to be perfect,
act perfect, look perfect. But why? I've asked myself countless of times.

But nevertheless.
I give thanks. That within a personal struggle to battle this chaotic yet silent war, I recognize myself a 
little more. I recognize how massively flawed I am yet I know I am far from worthless, simply because I choose not to be. 

I wouldn't say I have everything figured out. Heck. I often have no clue what I really am doing.
But isn't that how life is suppose to be. You're not suppose to know it all, neither are you suppose to have it all. What's the fun in that?

For when you win some, you rejoice. When you lose some, you try again.

If I knew I would never fail,
 I wouldn't have to try. 
I would think I have it all,
ignorantly living a lie.

So to all out there that feel a little lost,
a little down, 
and a little empty.
Know that this game hasn't ended,
the prizes, 
there are plenty.

Wondering how I measure up,
My reflection right against the wall.
Gazing back a girl in the mirror,
trying to fight it all.
To fight the pressures of a material world,
to fight protocol.

They say it's really nothing,
they say you should not fear.
You think it should be easy,
But answers are never that clear.

For Little miss perfect bangs at the door,
and she just won't go away.
She's looking to cling to me,
She's looking for a place to stay.

So in my troubles, 
I want to find a place my heart can delight.
A joy from above to fulfill one's heart,
A joy from doing what's right.

Look at me my child,
and tell me what do you see?
 Have I ever told you,
that you aren't good enough for me?

For if you saw yourself through my own eyes,
your sorrows,
your fears would disappear.
For my heart longs for your joyfulness,
as I watch over you,
my presence near.

So never again will you ever belittle yourself.
Don't let others determine your grade.
For you belong to me,
my child.
And you are fearfully and wonderfully made

With that thought.
I give thanks.


They see me rollin'
They hatin'

Meet the crew.

3/4 of the crew.

*We're missing Nina and Kelvin.

I promised you pictures of our trip to cultural village.
So here.

The long house where we tried the blow pipe.

I must say I was pretty good.

The waterfall.

We had doubts whether it was real..

The top seemed more like a pipe.
But it was still real pretty.

"Kinda like plastic surgery.
But pretty."

Moving on.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to a dinner with Ian,KZ and Bec.

There was terrible karaoke.
Words were wrong.

It was hilarious.


Sunday, 16 December 2012

All is good in the hood.

I went to Cultural village.
It was hot.
I sweated sweat.

It's getting pretty late.
I barely see the letters on the keyboard...
 but basically I had a good day.
Filming with the crew.


I promise there will be decent post about it tomorrow.
With lots of pictures.

I know you like pictures.



Friday, 14 December 2012

Special moments.

19 feels good.

Doesn't really feel that different.
But still good. 

Well, for those of you that don't know.
I turned 19 yesterday.

You can still wish me/ give me presents/ buy me a car-or-house/ FOOD/ anything.

I'm flexible. Any of the above would do.

It's been quite awhile since I blogged,
but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.

In my case, I just needed a break.

Dinner with the family. 
The very people that raised me and made me the interesting person I am.

Thank them for they gave birth to your source of entertainment (how ever short).

Today's post would be something I recently cross pathed with.
It started with this book.

The journey of a mother and her disabled daughter.
And within it all,
how she found strength to give thanks.

I just came back from the EIP Christmas Party.
EIP stands for Early Intervention Program.
For special kids.

It was chaotic.
Extremely chaotic.
Children running in every direction and screaming in every language.
Laughing, crying, clapping.

But it was so beautiful.
Within all that chaos, there lied so much beauty.

They sang.
Along with their parents and teachers.

"God is good, All the time.
He put this song of praise in this heart of mine."

..and I was just blown away.
How this world defines good has just lost all its meaning.
What is good?

good; was the teachers that are able to love this little children, flaws and all.
good; was the 3 year old being able to sing even half the lyrics of the song.
good; was not crying when they went up on stage.
good; for this little children..
was being alive.

To be honest,
I was barely awake when I found out I had to attend this party.
Skipping breakfast and slipping into decent looking clothes,
my dad, my sister and I took to the event.

We were hungry.
But we didn't mind being patient.
After all,
 our patience only had to last a morning.
While we sat there and admired the patience of loving parents.

Patience that would last a lifetime.

The love of a mother.
It requires a special kind of love, for a special kind of child.
To bear every negativity the world could/would throw at her,
and love unconditionally the baby in her arms.

"Because through it all, I will be with you"

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Happy Birthday Shona.

Everyone has at least one person in their life, 
that doesn't disappear no matter what.

Shona, I have you.

Thank you for being my best friend.
You have seen me, all my flaws.

Every single one.

Yet, despite everything.
You've been my best friend.

I wish I had something so special to give you on this very day.
But I feel like I will never come up with 'something'
that would prove how much you mean to me.

Thank you buddy.
My life has been so much better,
because you've been a huge part of it.

So, for your birthday.
I'll give you my promise.
A promise of a friendship that would make people jealous.
A friendship that will never cease.
A friend that will be yours forever, past, present and future.
A friendship held together through vows 'like lovers',
thick and thin,
health and sickness, 
wealth and drags,
I will be your best friend.

Happy Birthday Shona Tiong Chee Ying.
I loved you since the day i first took your colourpencils.

Monday, 27 August 2012

BOEY. learn this name.

I am a slacker.

So sometimes, the posts I came up with in my head..

doesn't end up here.


in my absence.

Check out the coolest blog ever.

This blog has been my inspiration.

"Did I mention he is my uncle?"

Friday, 24 August 2012

How do you respond?

We all have these experiences.

"When someone says something so lame."

I love my mum.

She is amazing and occasionally,
she is actually

but then...

We Are Fabulous (sendirian berhad)

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

SORE EYE... throat, skin, etc.

Please clear bladder before watching.
I will not be responsible for any self-wetting.

This sore eye video has gone viral.
So I thought why not give it a try.
Before watching our video.

Then you'll understand why we are sort of...


I'll show you next time.


Sunday, 19 August 2012



I'm sorry I haven't been blogging.
Preparing for the arrival of my parents.

I promise you there is something great installed.
Just keep watching..
I mean reading.

I just wanted to wish all my Muslim friends a


"hurry hurry. eat some curry"

Saturday, 11 August 2012


It was one of those days when I realized I had ran out
of toilet paper.
I was down to my last roll,
and I needed more.

It's pretty obvious why.
So I shall not go into that in detail.

I went to Big W (general appliances store) straight after class.
I must have looked like a backpacker.

I carried
1. my bag laptop
3. my *ahem* shopping
4. and all the groceries and the TOILET PAPER


I was so happy that I got everything done fast,
that I felt like the stuff I had to carry felt lighter.

A lot lighter.

When I got home,
I realized...


After 5 minutes of self-panicky-arguments,
I ran out of the house in my sleeping pants straight back to Big W.

Long story short,
it's back where it belongs.

In perfect condition,
dent and all.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

A National Hero.

It ain't that bad.

It's actually pretty damn fantastic!

*you try getting a silver medals in the olympics...
or just try hitting the shuttlecock across the net..

The Olympic finals of Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan definitely was an
unforgettable one.
He may not have gotten a gold. 

But for that 90 minutes...
Malaysians felt the pride of being a Malaysian,
regardless where they were in the world. (In my case, Melbourne)

The atmosphere changed when LCW stepped onto the court.
He brought a nation together.
He brought a nation to their feet.

So Mr. Lee Chong Wei,
if you ever read this.
I'd just like to say thank you.
For in 90 minutes, you made 1Malaysia a true reality.

and don't you dare apologize for it. 

Sunday, 5 August 2012


I went for the Planetshaker's Beautiful Woman conference. 

It was spectacular and amazing!

Plus I had great company.

I'm sorry this post is so short.
Lee Chong Wei is playing badminton.


So in the mean time..
hope this entertains you.

Try it.
It calms the nerves. 

Thursday, 2 August 2012

A real gentleman.

It was one of those days.
I was so busy that all I ate was half a broccoli,
and this was 3.30 in the afternoon.

And this contributed further to my pain.

I didn't even bother colouring it properly. 
Basically I was already late for the train to get to work 
cause I had group discussions.
Plus my myki (transport card) had no money.


Had to top it up which took like a bezillion years.
Then low and behold...
the train got

By the time I got to work, I was flustered and a little teary.
But I had no time to be sad.

So I got in the pool and greeted my little kids.
Then one of the little boys looked at me and said...

So I just told him I had a rough day.
And being the 6 year old he is,
he gave me the one thing I needed.

"Let me give you a hug'
he said.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

chirp chirp

Here's why...

Being a fellow Malaysian,
I flocked over and smiled.

*it sounds kinda creepy but I did it in a non-creepy way.

We went for Capoeira and we did some fun stuff today.
Not definitely very successful but still fun.

After that,
we went for food.

This is called patriotism. 

I'm just glad I made new girl friends. 

Sunday, 29 July 2012

In time.

Have you ever held something so tight that you couldn't let go?
Or put so much trust into one thing,
yet knowing it isn't in your control.
Or ask why such things are allowed to happen.
Or why certain things thing turn out differently from your intentions.

Many ask this questions.
I know it hurts.

Yet I know there are so much greater things to come.
For I know the God I believe in is greater than all things.

And if He can move mountains,

you know damn well He can move your burden.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Just maybe.

Maybe if I were a little bit thinner.
Maybe if I had longer hair.
Maybe if I was one inch taller.
Maybe you'll notice, 
Maybe you'll stare.

Maybe if I wore glamorous dresses,
Maybe if my face wore more make-up than skin,
Maybe if I acted more like a lady,
and both my thighs not like gelatin. 

But maybe all the problems we see,
are far from importance in reality.
For despite of all our tiny flaws,
Many love us,
 without needing a cause.

For love that's given without expectation,
is love in its finest form of creation.