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Tuesday, 25 March 2014


All the finger pointing, the blaming, the accusing.
It happens.
Because there is a whole load of hurt happening.
As much as people claim it doesn't really help.
The blamings will happen, 
to allow the families to find a sense of closure.

Any sense of closure.

I couldn't imagine having a love one on that plane.
As a child, I'd panick if my parents came home too late. 
I've always feared loss.

To the families, 
I am so sorry.

I pray to God, that you'll find peace.
I pray that you'll find the strength to unclench your fist, despite the anger..
and hold your hands in prayer.
I pray that the tears you shed will not go unnoticed,
And that you find comfort in knowing that your families or friends on that plane, will never be forgotten. 
I pray you find rest, 
That you may shut your eyes once again without being striken my pain.
I pray that even though I do not personally know you,
That I wish I could be by your side.
To hold you.
To cry along with you.
To comfort you.

The unfairness of it all may be uncomprehandable now, 
But I pray you do not lose hope in life.
That despite the cruelness of it all,
That one day,
You'll be able to open your eyes and your heart,
And slowly see the world beyond it's surface of injustice.

Sometimes letting go is the hardest,
Because we think they'll never come back.
But once you realize that they will never leave you,
You can continue journeying this life,
Knowing that though they may not be present,
They remain in your hearts.
Watching you from above.